Friday, 12 December 2014


Now that we’ve stopped being human
let fathers go on a drilling spree
raise their daughters skirts and bore holes
brothers and sisters alike
let the fun be not stilled
and you sons, raise thee your mothers skirts and plunge

Now that we’ve stopped being human
let the sky rain blood
bomb ye the infidels
raze to ground all that stands in your paths
let bodies litter the fields
filth to filth, triumphant putrefaction

Now that we’ve stopped being human
let us go on looting spree
where are the cranes,
and the empty containers they bear
fill it up, will you?
Its time we strip the nude nation more

Now that we’ve stopped being human
tap deep into thy evil recess
that we may in wanton wallow in evil
let us paint the sky black
let chaos pay us visits
so that the rich darkness can swallow the light

Now that we’ve stopped being human
some ten score maidens will not do
more of them shall we harvest
we need human materials to build our harems
let dip our wick into their wells
nubile thighs to satiate our palates

Now that we’ve stopped being human
let it be known the end is near
for when we stop being human
we die daily a thousand deaths
a gradual spiral into the grave and grim beyond
for we can only live, by being human

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